Excerpt information which is added manually.
A sticky article demo.
开始进阶中配小团体,预计每局平均15分钟速通,如果是那种5.9或6.0纯混子(打1技工连50W都舍不得换2技工)又不打算玩混材料的就没必要打,自己清雾神妮或者去金团当老板, 是带小C不是来带老板的,
- 小C=(6.0,6.1) 正常C=6.3,(62.8实心C也可算6.3) 正常奶:绿队标准1W登记 大C=6.56
- 绿队小奶=小C: 奶爸: 9800, 奶妈:9800,奶罗: 9800/1.15+100?~=8,500,8600
- 绿队奶: 奶爸: 10000, 奶妈:10000,奶罗: 10000/1.15~=8700
- 黄队奶: 奶爸: 10600 奶妈: 10500 奶罗: 10500/1.15+100~=9200+100 = 9300
- 红队奶: 奶爸: 11200 奶妈: 11000 奶罗: 11000/1.15+100~=9600+100 = 9700
yum install subversion
通过 https://www.slimjet.com/chrome/google-chrome-old-version.php
下载Linux Version 104.0.5112.102后得到
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install -y perl-Archive-Extract
ar vx google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.
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Here is the content.Here is the content.Here is the content.Here is the content. Here is the content.Here is the content.Here is the content. Here is the content.Here is the content. Here is the content.Here is the content. Here is the content.
Here is the content. Here is the content. Here is the content.Here is the content. Here is the content.